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Answering Reddit's Christian Questions

Writer: Emily WheelockEmily Wheelock

"For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help. "

Isaiah 41:13

Giving Advice to Reddit Users

Hey all! I am going to try to do this once a week but don’t quote me on it. It could be twice a week. (wink) What is “this,” you ask? Well, I’ll be glad to tell you! I am starting an advice column called Faithfully Mindful. With your help, we can reach to the ends of the earth, and bring advice, hope, and love to those who read the column. So, without any hesitation, I have found two topics or questions from Reddit that we can address.

New Christian Convert Asking For Advice Choosing A Denomination

“I’ve recently opened my heart to welcoming a fellowship with Jesus Christ. I’ve recently felt compelled to find a church, but I’m having trouble finding one that connects with my beliefs which are: One: The Holy Bible was INSPIRED by the words and acts of God and Jesus, but are the creation of man and therefore subject to the full spectrum of human error in their initial record, compilation, translation, and interpretation. Two: I’m not fussed about rituals or ceremonies or baptisms because I believe the only important thing is if I’m honest about my faith and when I speak to Jesus. Three: I don’t believe any human or institution has the authority to judge me or forgive me or require me to perform rituals because ONLY God has the authority and wisdom to judge me. Can anyone please recommend a Christian Denomination that I would feel comfortable with?”

Well, JesusisMySavior0001, my advice is simple, find a church that carries the same belief system you do while also making sure they read and teach from God’s Word. You and I actually almost have the same beliefs according to what you have listed. I suggest looking into a Baptist or Luthern church. In my research, one of the only differences I have found between the two is baptism. Lutherns baptize babies. Baptists, on the other hand, allow the person to choose if and when he or she would like to be baptized. I hope I was of some help! God bless!

Any advice on putting God first?

“I have always had trouble putting God first. Most recently my top priority has been my SO (Significant Other) whom I love very much. However, currently, we are on an indefinite hiatus because she has some things she has to work out about herself. I believe this is God telling me that he should be the most important thing in my life. Any advice on how to make this a reality?”

Hello, FeelsLarryMan! The only advice I have for you is just that! Put God first. Even in relationships, He should not be in the last row. God is the most important being you will ever have in your life. Read your Bible, do Bible studies, go to church, help out at church if you’re able to. In this life you are given two options: Please God or please man. We are called to be servants of the Lord. Given that information, you want to do everything in your power, day after day to please God, because, at the end of the day, He was what really matters. God bless you, Larry! Be wise in Him every day.



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