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Writer's pictureEmily Wheelock


Updated: Jul 3, 2019

First of all, Aligned Blessings is a brand that provides a number of t-shirt and sweatshirt designs all working to spread the gospel!! And you guessed it, I am an ambassador of this company. So, if you use my code Emily20 at check out, you will get 20% off your order!! My mom actually got me an Aligned blessings t-shirt for Christmas. I love it! It is so cute and so so so soft!! Mine says "His grace is enough" and there's a little heart. With out a doubt, go check them out!!

Hello everybody! If this is your first time here, hello! I'm Emily and this is my blog 'Tribe&True'. For those of you who have been here before, WELCOME BACK!  Make sure you are following me on Instagram and Twitter. Also, make sure you like my 'Tribe&True' Facebook page to get all the latest information on my blog and to see my daily life on Instagram! Links at the bottom! Now, ON TO THE BLOG>>>>>>>>

I haven't done a review in a while so here's one! I recently, and by recently I mean about two months ago, finished a Bible Study called Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst. First of all, WOW! Second, I might do it again. Okay, so in all seriousness, I strongly recommend this study. It also goes along with a book entitled the same, but I didn't get the book, mostly because I didn't know there was one until 2 weeks in. You don't have to read the book with the study. You can do it without the book; I did! But it does reference the book and tells you to read certain chapters during the week. It also has videos for each week. I managed to find all six on YouTube, so If you love videos, don't worry, you can find them!

What is the study about?

So, the study was about living loved and dealing with rejection. The cover actually says, "Living loved when you feel less than, left out, and lonely." This is a 6 session study that is a #1 New York Times Bestseller. In this study, Lysa goes deep. There were actually times where I thought I was talking to a therapist. It goes deep into your emotions and finds what really makes you tick. But that's not all, Lysa also goes deep into the word of God to help you identify and find the root of rejection. Lysa helps you "overcome the damage past hurts can inflict on your relationships today, and fully grasp what it looks like to live loved." Sounds like a roller coaster of emotions, doesn't it?! But it was the best roller coaster I have ever been on, and I've been on the Log Ride at Adventureland more than 50 times, so.

My thoughts

Throughout the study, I made notes, just little things that I wanted to remember. The first thing I wrote down is actually on the inside cover and it says, "You are only human. You will mess up. You will miss your mark. No matter what you do, God will be there right behind you to pick up!" That was something I wrote after the first session that is about living loved which, when I started this, was something that I really needed. You talk about learning to deal with something rather than dwell on it. It is so easy, when you are rejected or you feel like you have been rejected, to just sit on it. Dwelling on that negativity is not healthy, trust me! It opens up the door just enough for the enemy to slither in with his lies, so learning to deal with the rejection and dwell on positive things such as God's love is REALLY important.

Week two is about being empty or full. You can choose to bring your emptiness or God's fullness into any situation you face. You can choose to be empty or full. It is up to you. What does that mean? Either you are empty, being bitter or angry, or you are full of God's grace, mercy, and love.

The next three weeks are called 'The Yoke of God's Freedom", "Set Apart", and "Remembering God's Presence". These three, to me, go together perfectly. My take away was seeing that God is always there and He will guide your way. You are rich in Jesus and I think these three weeks speak the truth of that very well.

The last week, week 6, is called "Lessons from the Olive Tree". Taking everyday, day by day, and finding courage is what I got from this week. Putting more attention on God and off of myself is another take away for me. I have to remind myself that it doesn't matter what others think of me. All that matters is what God thinks.

Going in and Coming Out

Going into this study I was feeling sad, defeated, lonely, damaged, left out, overlooked, inadequate; just to name a few. But upon finishing, things change dramatically! I wrote down that I am free. I am loved and wanted. I can live loved without fear of rejection because I have been accepted by the Father and what He thinks of me matters way more than what mankind thinks of me.

This study, I have to say, is one that gave me confidence. Something I didn't have. I remember always looking down, and being single, thinking that I was too something and that's why I was single, or there has to be a huge reason why I am single. The enemy had crept in and though I was fighting him off, I wasn't winning. After the study, I have a reason to look up and smile more than I did before. I went from begging God for guidance to allowing Him to do according to His will and I will accept whatever that maybe.

Alright, that's it for me! With these words and thoughts, I leave you. See you soon!! 

->Click here <- to get this study!

And remember, always stay humble and kind.


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