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Ascending and Descending

Writer: Emily WheelockEmily Wheelock

Updated: Jul 3, 2019

Hello everybody! If this is your first time here, hello! I'm Emily and this is my blog 'Tribe&True'. For those of you who have been here before, WELCOME BACK!  Make sure you are following me on Instagram and Twitter. Also, make sure you like my 'Tribe&True' Facebook page to get all the latest information on my blog and to see my daily life on Instagram! Links at the bottom! Now, ON TO THE BLOG>>>>>>>>

Have you ever gone on a hike? Maybe you found a trail out in a wooded area with hills or there’s a mountain just down the road from you. I enjoy hiking. Being one with God’s creation is liberating and freeing. I love adventure. I feel like real life Indiana Jones when out in the wilderness. But let me ask you this:

Why is it so much harder to go up than it is to go down?

Going up is an Olympic event in its own with obstacle after obstacle. You break a sweat, rip a pant leg, and occasionally fall and maybe... break your face... or get a scratch on your arm... it’s really up to fate in that instance.

Going down on the other hand, is easy. Mostly because you already know the trail and, though tricky to remember what rock to jump over and what way the snake went, it’s a smooth ride. Unless, that is, if it’s life.

You see, in life it is so easy to fall, to go down, but because of the people in it, it can be hard. Take Logan Paul for example. Logan ascended in social media quickly, though I could only assume it wasn’t easy, he made it look easy. Now, pull out the one video I’m sure he’d wish people would forget about, “The Suicide Forest”.  Though that video didn’t exactly make him crash and burn, and he bounced back quickly, during his slight fall he experienced the haters. That’s what makes the descend hard. All those rocks, streams, tree limbs, and gross bugs, you forgot about.  Those are also the ones you didn’t know about on your way up, though, and this is very reason why going up in social media or climbing the latter in your day to day job, is difficult. You run into problems, and obstacles you didn’t even think would be there. 

In Genesis, humanity was at its beginning and while I would consider it its peak, there was still an obstacle to avoid. That slithery little snake (insert snake noises). You see, although everything in Eden was perfect and pure, it was still subject to corruption. And who better to bring down Gods most prized creation and than the devil himself, Satan. Ugh, I don’t even want to capitalize his name but I have to for literature reasons. You know the “all names must be capitalized” clause. Anyway. Skipping ahead passed the forbidden tree, and Cain and Able, all the way to Noah. After the Great Fall, God knew that humanity was too corrupt to continue. Enter in the famous Ark. No, not the one with Moses and the tablets. We’ll get there. I’m talking about the giant boat. God flooded the Earth, killing everything and everyone, with the exception of Noah and his family and a pair, male and female, of each animal species. Fast forward to a new beginning. God knew we’d still have more issues than Vogue. Now, enter Moses. He’s coming, just give him a sec. He’s on only been wondering the dessert for 40 years. With Moses, God gave us the Ten Commandments or as I like to call them “The Rules to a Common Moral Life”. Yet, the sin of the flesh still weighed heavily on mankind with Gods people being enslaved, rape, murder, Sodom and Gomorrah, war. All of this leading up to Gods greatest battle plan as a fix to a long term problem. His Son. 

With mankind at a plateau, and sin in the water we drink, God, who had been gearing up for this since Genesis, sent Him one and only Son to save humanity. Ascending, getting to this point, was difficult, but staying here was a sport of its own because though a lot of people may have believed in Jesus, a lot of people still did not and they wanted Him dead. He came preaching His truths, knowing His fate- as we know what to expect while traveling back down the way we came to our cars after a long hike- He died to save us from ourselves because the flesh is easily taken over by the world and its pleasures. 

Just as Proverbs 28:26 says, “The one who trusts in himself is a fool, but one who walks in wisdom is safe.” But just because you walk with God does not mean your ascension in life is going to be a breeze because even Jesus says those who follow Him will be mocked and persecuted. The road is still going to be rocky but with Jesus, it will be easier. It won’t be painless but where there’s pain, Jesus will heal and the whole Armor of God (Ephesians 6) will be an advantage to you when fighting off the enemy. Life is full of struggle, Jesus or not.  He’s not there to make everything go by smoothly but offer love and comfort and salvation through the trials and tribulations you will face.

So I ask you, who’s ready for an adventure?

Alright, that's it for me! With these words and thoughts, I leave you. See you soon!!  And remember, always stay humble and kind.

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