First of all, Aligned Blessings is a brand that provides a number of t-shirt and sweatshirt designs all working to spread the gospel!! And you guessed it, I am an ambassador of this company. So, if you use my code Emily20 at check out, you will get 20% off your order!! My mom actually got me an Aligned blessings t-shirt for Christmas. I love it! It is so cute and so so so soft!! Mine says "His grace is enough" and there's a little heart. With out a doubt, go check them out!!
Hello everybody! If this is your first time here, hello! I'm Emily and this is my blog 'Tribe&True'. For those of you who have been here before, WELCOME BACK! Make sure you are following me on Instagram and Twitter. Also, make sure you like my 'Tribe&True' Facebook page to get all the latest information on my blog and to see my daily life on Instagram! Links at the bottom! Now, ON TO THE BLOG>>>>>>>>
"Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16
The kindness of God that we don't deserve. That is how I would define God's grace. We are so undeserving of His love and His mercy. It's what makes Christianity different from other religions. A god who loves, who is merciful, and graceful.
God's grace is sufficient. By grace the lost are found, and the blind see. By grace, the children of God stand in confidence and diligence. God's grace is sufficient in supply, sufficient in salvation, sufficient in suffering and sin and service. You could empty the oceans of water, the beaches of sand, and the sky of the stars-- you could do all this, throw it in a pile, and think you've matched His grace but it's only just begun. You can't out sin God's grace either. His grace exceeds that sin, every sin. God and His grace will establish support and strengthen you from the inside out. It doesn't matter where you are, where He has placed you. In anxiety you have His guidance. In difficulty, great trials, and strain, your are strengthened by His grace.
Living by His grace means surrender. It means walking as Jesus would walk, talking as Jesus would talk, doing as Jesus would do. Responding appropriately, praising God for His love, mercy, and grace, and, of course, preaching His word to the world.
C.H. Spurgeon once said, "When God forgives our sins, there's more forgiveness to follow. He justifies us in the righteousness of Christ, but there's more to follow. He adopts us into His family, but there's more to follow. He prepares heaven, but there's more to follow . He gives us grace, but there's more to follow. He helps us to old age, but there's more to follow... Even when we arrive in the world to come, there will still be more to follow."
We aren't just given grace by Him. We are given a home, a family, an everlasting love. We think we are undeserving. We think it should stop at His mercy or His love, but it doesn't. It doesn't stop there. There is more to follow.
Alright, that's it for me! With these words and thoughts, I leave you. See you soon!!
And remember, always stay humble and kind.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_EmilyIRL
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_emilyirl/