"Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began." 2 Timothy 1:9
While I was in high school, I had no idea what I actually wanted to do with my life. I knew that I loved Jesus and I loved writing. I didn't know that I would merge those two things. I wanted to be a photographer, a writer, someone people could look up to. I wanted to be everything but I was confused about what God actually wanted from me and for me. Even though I had been writing since I was old enough to talk, I never thought I was really any good but I entered poetry contest after poetry contest and was published time and time again though I still did not understand what God was calling me to do.
If there is anything I have learned it is this:
God calls us to do all sorts of things. Some of us He calls to be mothers or fathers, husbands, wives, teachers, pastors, leaders. We are called to do so many things, all the time. I want to tell you to not worry about weather or not you have found your calling because you're not suppose to find it. Your calling is suppose to find you. For some of us, that's earlier than most. Don't think that just because you don't know what God wants you do with your life, He's done with you and this is it. That is untrue. If you're not dead, God's not done. God has called each Christian to do something. You must say, "HERE I AM," to this season of your life because that is what God wants from you. He wants to know you're all in.
One thing I can tell you is you are called, everybody is called, to do at least one thing. To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Don't get confused when it comes to honoring God. To know God is to know His voice. The voice of God isn't going to some big powerful deep voice you'll hear in the wilderness. God uses things you know. In this case, voices you know. Countless times I have heard someone call my name who I thought was my dad or my mom and when I ask them what they wanted, they tell me they didn't say anything. You need to to first treasure and recognize the Voice of God and His word. Until you do that, you will be unsatisfied with your life and what is going on. We are called to be like God. He is kind. He is love. He is merciful. Surround yourself with people who will bring out the God in you.
Always stay humble and kind.
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