Jesus did not die for your sins just so you can spread hate. Louder for the people in the back. It is so deep. He died for us so we could live for Him. That means we need to live like Jesus. Full of love and full of life. Jesus was kind, merciful, graceful, and, above all, Jesus was love. He still is!
We need to treat everyone we meet with love. Even those we don’t know. To love humanity is to love God. You can’t love God and hate His people, His very creation. It doesn’t work like that.
The Incline
Bitterness and anger are not immune to love. They are actually very allergic to love. Sometimes you will get that one person that you just can’t get along with and that’s okay. But that does not give you permission to hate on them. You still have to treat them with respect. Respect is not something that is earned but something that is given. Work on that relationship to make it better.
In another scenario, you’ve had a fight with a significant other or your best friend, and loving on them may be hard and may feel like a challenge. But you have to love hard even when it’s hard to love. Showing love and mercy to someone, even after they hurt you is showing the face of Jesus.
Live like Jesus. Love like Jesus.
To live the way Jesus lived you must be mindful and approachable. People have to want to be around you rather than feel forced and uncomfortable. Be bold, and above all else, live loved.