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Overcoming Depression: Truth

Writer: Emily WheelockEmily Wheelock

Updated: Jul 3, 2019

Hello everybody! If this is your first time here, hello! I'm Emily and this is my blog 'Tribe&True'. For those of you who have been here before, WELCOME BACK!  Make sure you are following me on Instagram and Twitter. Also, make sure you like my 'Tribe&True' Facebook page to get all the latest information on my blog and to see my daily life on Instagram! Links at the bottom! Now, ON TO THE BLOG>>>>>>>>

Day 1: Truth

"We are from God. Anyone who knows God listens to us; anyone who is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of deception." 1 JOHN 4:6
I allowed myself to follow the enemy into his camp. He made no promises of land, food, or drink, yet, I went with him. Why? He did nothing but belittle me in front of his army and leave me to soak in the rain. He offered no comfort, love or explanation.  

Why do we allow the enemy to attack? 

He finds us at our most vulnerable states. Maybe we just broke up with our significant other or someone close to us died. Maybe there's just that one kid at school or guy or gal at work he is speaking through. No matter what is going on, good or bad, he always finds a way to weasel into our lives and attack us. 

As our battle plan builds, we are going to go through seven stages. Seven tactics that, when put together into one strategy, will build you up spiritually and leave the devil wondering, "What happened."

Our first stage is truth. When we acknowledge that the devil is telling some pretty mean lies, we want to find the truth. The devil may say, "Your hips are too big, your face is too red, and your belly jiggles." But the truth, God says that you are perfect the way you are.

Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do."

What lies is he telling you?

What will you do when your past screams, "You are not strong enough!" You are hopeless...Psalms 31:24 You are useless... Romans 8:37 You are worthless...1 Peter 3:4 No one will ever love you...2 Thessalonians 3:5; 1 John 4:8-9; John 3:16 You are not good enough...John 3:16 God's truth is that you are who He made you to be. He personally knit you together in your mother's womb. The devil is just a critic, or a hater, if you will. The devil is the father of lies. It's his job to drag you down. 

I want you to write this verse anywhere where you know you will see it. The next time the enemy comes at you with this lie, give it right back to him. Do not give the enemy any leverage. He will do everything he can to take you down. Study God's truths. 

Alright, that's it for me! With these words and thoughts, I leave you. See you soon!! And remember, always stay humble and kind. Twitter: Instagram:




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